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Jane Maria Bowkett

Windy Day

Windy Day - Jane Maria Bowkett

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Windy Day - Jane Maria Bowkett
Artist:Jane Maria Bowkett
Title:Windy Day
Art Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Young Lady in a Conservatory - Jane Maria Bowkett
Young Lady in a Conservatory

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Awfully Jolly - Jane Maria Bowkett
Jane Maria Bowkett:
Awfully Jolly
A Rest by the Wayside 1872 - Jane Maria Bowkett
Jane Maria Bowkett:
A Rest by the Wayside 1872
An Officer and His Lady - Jane Maria Bowkett
Jane Maria Bowkett:
An Officer and His Lady
William Tell - Hans the Younger Schaufelein
Hans the Younger Schaufelein:
William Tell
A Buckinghamshire Gleaner - Thomas Uwins
Thomas Uwins:
A Buckinghamshire Gleaner
Nathaniel Byfield - John Smibert
John Smibert:
Nathaniel Byfield
Noonday Rest - John William Godward
John William Godward:
Noonday Rest

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Stella Bowen
Stella Bowen

Edward Bower
Edward Bower

Amelia M Bowerley or Bauerle
Amelia M Bowerley or Bauerle

Josephine Bowes
Josephine Bowes

Henry Alexander Bowler
Henry Alexander Bowler

Harriet Rushout Bowles
Harriet Rushout Bowles

Thomas Bowles
Thomas Bowles

George Price Boyce
George Price Boyce

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