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Ippolito Caffi

Venice, the Molo towards Ovest

Venice, the Molo towards Ovest - Ippolito Caffi

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Venice, the Molo towards Ovest - Ippolito Caffi
Artist:Ippolito Caffi
Title:Venice, the Molo towards Ovest
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

View of Rome from Montemario - Ippolito Caffi
View of Rome from Montemario
View of the Castel Sant' Angelo and St Peter's, Rome - Ippolito Caffi
View of the Castel Sant' Angelo and St Peter's, Rome
View of the Pantheon Rome - Ippolito Caffi
View of the Pantheon Rome

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Acropolis, 1843 - Ippolito Caffi
Ippolito Caffi:
The Acropolis, 1843
The Gate of Agora in Athens, 1843 - Ippolito Caffi
Ippolito Caffi:
The Gate of Agora in Athens, 1843
The Parthenon, 1863 - Ippolito Caffi
Ippolito Caffi:
The Parthenon, 1863
View of the Pantheon Rome - Ippolito Caffi
Ippolito Caffi:
View of the Pantheon Rome
Gondolas On The Grand Canal In Front Of The Doge's Palace, Venice - Edward Pritchett
Edward Pritchett:
Gondolas On The Grand Canal In Front Of The Doge's Palace, Venice
Paris - Pantin - Paul Signac
Paul Signac:
Paris - Pantin
Grand Canal with Snow and Ice, 1849 - Ippolito Caffi
Ippolito Caffi:
Grand Canal with Snow and Ice, 1849

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Pierre Louis Cadre
Pierre Louis Cadre

Henry Newell Cady
Henry Newell Cady

James Cafferty
James Cafferty

James Harvey Cafferty
James Harvey Cafferty

Margherita Caffi
Margherita Caffi

T. Caffi
T. Caffi

Hector Caffieri
Hector Caffieri

Jean-Jacques Caffieri
Jean-Jacques Caffieri

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