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Ercole de' Roberti

St John the Baptist 1478-80

St John the Baptist 1478-80 - Ercole de

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St John the Baptist 1478-80 - Ercole de
Artist:Ercole de' Roberti
Title:St John the Baptist 1478-80
Museum:Staatliche Museen, Berlin, Germany
1st Art Gallery
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Convalescence of St Theodora Suarez (detail) 1472-73 - Ercole de' Roberti
The Convalescence of St Theodora Suarez (detail) 1472-73
The Wife of Hasdrubal and her Children  1480-90 - Ercole de' Roberti
The Wife of Hasdrubal and her Children 1480-90

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Predella of Stories of Christ- 2. Pieta 1482 - Ercole de' Roberti
Ercole de' Roberti:
Predella of Stories of Christ- 2. Pieta 1482
The Convalescence of St Theodora Suarez (detail) 1472-73 - Ercole de' Roberti
Ercole de' Roberti:
The Convalescence of St Theodora Suarez (detail) 1472-73
Predella of the Griffoni Polyptych- Miracles of St Vincent Ferrer (detail-1) 1473 - Ercole de' Roberti
Ercole de' Roberti:
Predella of the Griffoni Polyptych- Miracles of St Vincent Ferrer (detail-1) 1473
Portrait of Giovanni II Bentivoglio c. 1480 - Ercole de' Roberti
Ercole de' Roberti:
Portrait of Giovanni II Bentivoglio c. 1480
Lute player, 1609 - Roelof van Zyll
Roelof van Zyll:
Lute player, 1609
Seeds That Travel - Percy Tarrant
Percy Tarrant:
Seeds That Travel
The Sheep Jump, 1887 - Giovanni Fattori
Giovanni Fattori:
The Sheep Jump, 1887

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

(after) Robert H.Colebrooke
(after) Robert H.Colebrooke

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Louis-Léopold Robert
Louis-Léopold Robert

Tony Robert-Fleury
Tony Robert-Fleury

David Roberts
David Roberts

Edwin Thomas Roberts
Edwin Thomas Roberts

Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts

Alexander Robertson
Alexander Robertson

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