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Umberto Boccioni

Portrait of the Lawyer

Portrait of the Lawyer - Umberto Boccioni

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Portrait of the Lawyer - Umberto Boccioni
Artist:Umberto Boccioni
Title:Portrait of the Lawyer
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Riot at the Gallery (Rissa in galleria) - Umberto Boccioni
Riot at the Gallery (Rissa in galleria)
Ritratto del Dottor Tian 1907 - Umberto Boccioni
Ritratto del Dottor Tian 1907
Ritratto Di Sophie Popoff 1906 - Umberto Boccioni
Ritratto Di Sophie Popoff 1906
Ritratto femminile 1911 - Umberto Boccioni
Ritratto femminile 1911
Seated Woman (The Artist's Mother) 1907 - Umberto Boccioni
Seated Woman (The Artist's Mother) 1907
Self Portrait - Umberto Boccioni
Self Portrait
Self Portrait 1908 - Umberto Boccioni
Self Portrait 1908
Self portrait, 1908 (detail) - Umberto Boccioni
Self portrait, 1908 (detail)

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

States of Mind I: Those who Leave 1911 - Umberto Boccioni
Umberto Boccioni:
States of Mind I: Those who Leave 1911
Dynamism of a Cyclist, 1913 - Umberto Boccioni
Umberto Boccioni:
Dynamism of a Cyclist, 1913
Dynamism of the Body, 1913 - Umberto Boccioni
Umberto Boccioni:
Dynamism of the Body, 1913
Steamboat Travel on the Hudson River I - Pavel Petrovich Svinin
Pavel Petrovich Svinin:
Steamboat Travel on the Hudson River I
At The Water's Edge - Hermann David Solomon Corrodi
Hermann David Solomon Corrodi:
At The Water's Edge
Landscape With Bathers - Claude-joseph Vernet
Claude-joseph Vernet:
Landscape With Bathers
View of Whampoa, c.1860 - Tinqua
View of Whampoa, c.1860

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Ernest Board
Ernest Board

Boccaccio Boccaccino
Boccaccio Boccaccino

Francesco Boccacino
Francesco Boccacino

Giovanni Boccati
Giovanni Boccati

Anna Boch
Anna Boch

Thomas Bock
Thomas Bock

Arnold Böcklin
Arnold Böcklin

Nikolai K Bodarevski
Nikolai K Bodarevski

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