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Victor Dubreuil

Napoleon Commanding a View of the Prisoners

Napoleon Commanding a View of the Prisoners - Victor Dubreuil

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Napoleon Commanding a View of the Prisoners - Victor Dubreuil
Artist:Victor Dubreuil
Title:Napoleon Commanding a View of the Prisoners
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Trompe L'Oeil Still Life with Dollar Bill and Fly - Victor Dubreuil
Trompe L'Oeil Still Life with Dollar Bill and Fly

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Money to Burn - Victor Dubreuil
Victor Dubreuil:
Money to Burn
Barrels of Money - Victor Dubreuil
Victor Dubreuil:
Barrels of Money
Fresh Peanuts - Victor Dubreuil
Victor Dubreuil:
Fresh Peanuts
The Allied Army Crossing the Rhine to Invade France, 1813, from 'Historic, Military and Naval Anecdotes', 1816 - John Heaviside Clark (after)
John Heaviside Clark (after):
The Allied Army Crossing the Rhine to Invade France, 1813, from 'Historic, Military and Naval Anecdotes', 1816
L'Attaque (Attack!) - Etienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour
Etienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour:
L'Attaque (Attack!)
Portrait of Admiral Andrew Hull Foote (1806-63) - Alonzo Chappel
Alonzo Chappel:
Portrait of Admiral Andrew Hull Foote (1806-63)
The Attack - Adolf Schreiyer
Adolf Schreiyer:
The Attack

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Paul Dubois
Paul Dubois

Albert Dubois-Pillet
Albert Dubois-Pillet

Savinien Edme Dubourjal
Savinien Edme Dubourjal

Charlotte Gabrielle Dubray-Besnard
Charlotte Gabrielle Dubray-Besnard

Alfred Dubucand
Alfred Dubucand

Edouard Louis Dubufe
Edouard Louis Dubufe

Edouard-Marie-Guillaume Dubufe
Edouard-Marie-Guillaume Dubufe

Jacopo del Duca
Jacopo del Duca

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