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Pierre-Alexandre Wille

Charity, 1777

Charity, 1777 - Pierre-Alexandre Wille

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Charity, 1777 - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Artist:Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Title:Charity, 1777
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Danton Led to his Execution, 1794 - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Danton Led to his Execution, 1794
Portrait Of A Woman Reading A Letter - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Portrait Of A Woman Reading A Letter
The Last Moments of the Beloved Wife, 1784 - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
The Last Moments of the Beloved Wife, 1784
The Public Writer - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
The Public Writer

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Portrait Of A Woman Reading A Letter - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Pierre-Alexandre Wille:
Portrait Of A Woman Reading A Letter
The Public Writer - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Pierre-Alexandre Wille:
The Public Writer
Danton Led to his Execution, 1794 - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Pierre-Alexandre Wille:
Danton Led to his Execution, 1794
The Last Moments of the Beloved Wife, 1784 - Pierre-Alexandre Wille
Pierre-Alexandre Wille:
The Last Moments of the Beloved Wife, 1784
Seascape - Robert Salmon
Robert Salmon:
Laban Searching the Belongings of Jacob, c.1634-37 - Sébastien Bourdon
Sébastien Bourdon:
Laban Searching the Belongings of Jacob, c.1634-37
Holborn Viaduct looking East, City of London, 1871 - Thomas Shotter Boys
Thomas Shotter Boys:
Holborn Viaduct looking East, City of London, 1871

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Isaac Willaerts
Isaac Willaerts

Archibald M.  Willard
Archibald M. Willard

George Barrell Willcock
George Barrell Willcock

August Levin von Wille
August Levin von Wille

Petrus Willebeeck
Petrus Willebeeck

Gabrielle Willemin
Gabrielle Willemin

Florent Willems
Florent Willems

Abraham Willemsens
Abraham Willemsens

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