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Maria Giovanna Battista Clementi

Portrait of Carlo Emanuele III of Savoy, King of Sardinia (1701-73)

Portrait of Carlo Emanuele III of Savoy, King of Sardinia (1701-73) - Maria Giovanna Battista Clementi

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Portrait of Carlo Emanuele III of Savoy, King of Sardinia (1701-73) - Maria Giovanna Battista Clementi
Artist:Maria Giovanna Battista Clementi
Title:Portrait of Carlo Emanuele III of Savoy, King of Sardinia (1701-73)
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England  1660 - Sir Peter Lely
Sir Peter Lely:
Henrietta Maria of France, Queen of England 1660
Captain Frederick Gustavus Burnaby - James Jacques Joseph Tissot
James Jacques Joseph Tissot:
Captain Frederick Gustavus Burnaby
The Afternoon Visit - Gustave Leonhard de Jonghe
Gustave Leonhard de Jonghe:
The Afternoon Visit
King Edward I (1239-1307) and Eleanor (1244-90) 1863 - Alfred Sacheverell Coke
Alfred Sacheverell Coke:
King Edward I (1239-1307) and Eleanor (1244-90) 1863
Louis XVI (1754-93) swearing loyalty to the constitution on the altar of the homeland - Nicolas Guy Brenet
Nicolas Guy Brenet:
Louis XVI (1754-93) swearing loyalty to the constitution on the altar of the homeland
Henry VII 1457-1509 King of England from 1485, after a portrait in the Royal Collection, engraved by the artist - George Vertue
George Vertue:
Henry VII 1457-1509 King of England from 1485, after a portrait in the Royal Collection, engraved by the artist
Henri II of France (1519-59) - (follower of) Clouet, Francois
(follower of) Clouet, Francois:
Henri II of France (1519-59)

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Aline Clement
Aline Clement

Felix Auguste Clement
Felix Auguste Clement

Gad Frederik Clement
Gad Frederik Clement

Gad Frederik Clement
Gad Frederik Clement

George Henry Clements
George Henry Clements

James Clements
James Clements

R.C. Clements
R.C. Clements

Hermann Clementz
Hermann Clementz

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