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Jules Pascin

Hermine David and Friend

Hermine David and Friend - Jules Pascin

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Hermine David and Friend - Jules Pascin
Artist:Jules Pascin
Title:Hermine David and Friend
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Hermine David Reading - Jules Pascin
Hermine David Reading
Hermine in a Black Hat - Jules Pascin
Hermine in a Black Hat
Hermine in a Blue Hat - Jules Pascin
Hermine in a Blue Hat
Hermine on a Chair - Jules Pascin
Hermine on a Chair
Hermine Reading - Jules Pascin
Hermine Reading
Hermine with Fruit - Jules Pascin
Hermine with Fruit
Horse and Carriage - Jules Pascin
Horse and Carriage
Interior Scene - Jules Pascin
Interior Scene

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

An Oriental and His Women - Jules Pascin
Jules Pascin:
An Oriental and His Women
A Lady from Matigues - Jules Pascin
Jules Pascin:
A Lady from Matigues
A Street in Cuba - Jules Pascin
Jules Pascin:
A Street in Cuba
The Artists Daughter at the Piano - Domingos Antonio de Sequeira
Domingos Antonio de Sequeira:
The Artists Daughter at the Piano
Old Man with a glass of wine - Gustave Courbet
Gustave Courbet:
Old Man with a glass of wine
King Louis Philippe - Franz Xavier Winterhalter
Franz Xavier Winterhalter:
King Louis Philippe
The Beauties of Street Sprinkling, New York City, 1856 - Thomas Worth
Thomas Worth:
The Beauties of Street Sprinkling, New York City, 1856

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Arthur Parton
Arthur Parton

Ernest Parton
Ernest Parton

Dagnan-bouveret Pascal
Dagnan-bouveret Pascal

Paul Pascal
Paul Pascal

Lorenzo Pasinelli
Lorenzo Pasinelli

Alberto Pasini
Alberto Pasini

Fortunato Pasquetti
Fortunato Pasquetti

Bartolomeo Passerotti
Bartolomeo Passerotti

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