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Harry Clarke

"We named Lucrezia Crivelli and Titian's Lady with Amber Belly"

"We named Lucrezia Crivelli and Titian

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"We named Lucrezia Crivelli and Titian
Artist:Harry Clarke
Title:"We named Lucrezia Crivelli and Titian's Lady with Amber Belly"
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

"Yet these are rotten, so you're the Queen of all are living, or have been"
'I know what you want' said the sea witch, illustration for 'The Little Mermaid' from Fairy Tales c, 1910 - Harry Clarke
'I know what you want' said the sea witch, illustration for 'The Little Mermaid' from Fairy Tales c, 1910
'The Playboy of the Western World' - Harry Clarke
'The Playboy of the Western World'
Design for Geneva Window showing the Countess Cathleen - Harry Clarke
Design for Geneva Window showing the Countess Cathleen
Detail from the Geneva Window depicting 'The Demi Gods' and 'Juno and the Paycock', 1929 - Harry Clarke
Detail from the Geneva Window depicting 'The Demi Gods' and 'Juno and the Paycock', 1929
Detail from the Geneva Window showing 'The Dreamers' and 'Countess Cathleen' - Harry Clarke
Detail from the Geneva Window showing 'The Dreamers' and 'Countess Cathleen'
Drest thus, I seem a different creature! - Harry Clarke
Drest thus, I seem a different creature!
I am born of a thousand storms, and grey with rushing rains - Harry Clarke
I am born of a thousand storms, and grey with rushing rains

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Harry Clarke:
"Give me your Beads, I Desire Them", illustration from 'Overhead on a Saltmarsh', a poem by Munro

Harry Clarke:
"Drest thus, I seem a different creature", illustration from 'Faust' by Goethe

Harry Clarke:
"And the Dead Robed in Red", illustration from 'Dying Patriot', a poem by James Elroy Flecker

Harry Clarke:
"Is There Anything in my Poor Power to Serve You?", illustration from Faust by Goethe, 1925
The Carpenter - Kazimir Severinovich Malevich
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich:
The Carpenter
Title Unknown - Charles Linford
Charles Linford:
Title Unknown
Small Composition II - Franz Marc
Franz Marc:
Small Composition II

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Thomas Clark
Thomas Clark

Walter Clark
Walter Clark

William Clark
William Clark

George Somers  Clarke
George Somers Clarke

Joseph Clayton Clarke
Joseph Clayton Clarke

Pollie Clarke
Pollie Clarke

Richard E. Clarke
Richard E. Clarke

Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke
Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke

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