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Francesco Albani

Assumption Of The Virgin

Assumption Of The Virgin - Francesco Albani

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Assumption Of The Virgin - Francesco Albani
Artist:Francesco Albani
Title:Assumption Of The Virgin
Museum:Private collection
1st Art Gallery
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Autumn - Francesco Albani
Autumn 1616-17 - Francesco Albani
Autumn 1616-17
Baptism of Christ - Francesco Albani
Baptism of Christ
Diana and Actaeon - Francesco Albani
Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon 1625 - Francesco Albani
Diana and Actaeon 1625
Holy Family - Francesco Albani
Holy Family
Holy Family 1630 - Francesco Albani
Holy Family 1630
Landscape with the Adoration of the Magi - Francesco Albani
Landscape with the Adoration of the Magi

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Spring 1616-17 - Francesco Albani
Francesco Albani:
Spring 1616-17
Adonis Led By Cupids To Venus Detail - Francesco Albani
Francesco Albani:
Adonis Led By Cupids To Venus Detail
Summer 1616-17 - Francesco Albani
Francesco Albani:
Summer 1616-17
The Second Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, 1560s - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Paolo Veronese (Caliari):
The Second Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, 1560s
Madonna in Prayer 1640s - Francesco de' Rossi (see Sassoferrato)
Francesco de' Rossi (see Sassoferrato):
Madonna in Prayer 1640s
Christ and the Abbot Mena (from the Monastery of Baouit)  (6th-7th century A.D.) - Egyptian Unknown Masters
Egyptian Unknown Masters:
Christ and the Abbot Mena (from the Monastery of Baouit) (6th-7th century A.D.)
Birth of St John the Baptist c. 1563 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti):
Birth of St John the Baptist c. 1563

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Jean Alaux
Jean Alaux

Jean Antoine Alavoine
Jean Antoine Alavoine

ALBA, Macrino d' Alba
ALBA, Macrino d' Alba

Vicente Alban
Vicente Alban

Salvatore Albano
Salvatore Albano

Jacobello Alberegno
Jacobello Alberegno

Mariotto Albertinelli
Mariotto Albertinelli

John Alberts
John Alberts

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