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Edmund Blair Blair Leighton

The Dedication

The Dedication - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton

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The Dedication - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
Artist:Edmund Blair Blair Leighton
Title:The Dedication
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Fond Farewell - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Fond Farewell
The Gladiator's Wife - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Gladiator's Wife
The Hostage - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Hostage
The Keys - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Keys
The King and the Beggar-maid - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The King and the Beggar-maid
The Lord of Burleigh, Tennyson - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Lord of Burleigh, Tennyson
The Piano Lesson - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Piano Lesson
The Post - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
The Post

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Accolade  1901 - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
Edmund Blair Blair Leighton:
The Accolade 1901
A little prince likely in time to bless a royal throne  - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
Edmund Blair Blair Leighton:
A little prince likely in time to bless a royal throne
Call to Arms - Edmund Blair Blair  Leighton
Edmund Blair Blair Leighton:
Call to Arms
The Discovery of Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes 1664 - Jan De Bray
Jan De Bray:
The Discovery of Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes 1664
The Pursuit - Alfred Jacob Miller
Alfred Jacob Miller:
The Pursuit
The three daughters of Cecrops finding Erichthonius 1639 - Paulus Bor
Paulus Bor:
The three daughters of Cecrops finding Erichthonius 1639
The Grotto of Egeria - Franz Ludwig Catel
Franz Ludwig Catel:
The Grotto of Egeria

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Felix Ivo Leicher
Felix Ivo Leicher

Charles Henri Leickert
Charles Henri Leickert

Charles Henri Joseph Leickert
Charles Henri Joseph Leickert

Master Leiden
Master Leiden

Lord Frederick Leighton
Lord Frederick Leighton

Nicholas Winfield Scott Leighton
Nicholas Winfield Scott Leighton

Hans Leinberger
Hans Leinberger

Walter Leistikow
Walter Leistikow

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