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Conrad Freyberg

Ubergabe Von Metz

Ubergabe Von Metz - Conrad Freyberg

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Ubergabe Von Metz - Conrad Freyberg
Artist:Conrad Freyberg
Title:Ubergabe Von Metz
Museum:Private collection
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Ankunft Des Prinzen Friedrich Karl Auf Dem Schlachtfelde Von Vionville - Conrad Freyberg
Conrad Freyberg:
Ankunft Des Prinzen Friedrich Karl Auf Dem Schlachtfelde Von Vionville
A Young Girl With A Basket Of Flowers - Conrad Freyberg
Conrad Freyberg:
A Young Girl With A Basket Of Flowers
The First VC of the European War, 1914 - Richard Caton Woodville
Richard Caton Woodville:
The First VC of the European War, 1914
Tanks in Action, illustration from The Outline of History by H.G. Wells, Volume II, published in 1920 - Stanley L. Wood
Stanley L. Wood:
Tanks in Action, illustration from The Outline of History by H.G. Wells, Volume II, published in 1920
Henry V,  c.1790 - Cassandra Austen
Cassandra Austen:
Henry V, c.1790
Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 at 10 pm - Thomas Luny
Thomas Luny:
Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 at 10 pm
The Gate at Clichy 1820 - Horace Vernet
Horace Vernet:
The Gate at Clichy 1820

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Fritz Freund
Fritz Freund

Hermann Ernst Freund
Hermann Ernst Freund

Johann Jakob Frey
Johann Jakob Frey

Louis Frey
Louis Frey

Emile Friant
Emile Friant

Alfred Ritter von Malheim Friedlander
Alfred Ritter von Malheim Friedlander

Augustus Maurice  Friedlander
Augustus Maurice Friedlander

Caspar David Friedrich
Caspar David Friedrich

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